Be a future-shaper, vision-developer and puzzle-solver.

Drei Produktdesigner - ein Mann & zwei Frauen - sitzen vor zwei großen Monitoren und begutachten 3D-Modelle von Wärmepumpen.
Drei Produktdesigner - ein Mann & zwei Frauen - sitzen vor zwei großen Monitoren und begutachten 3D-Modelle von Wärmepumpen.

Our technical professions.

A great deal of knowledge, creativity and craftsmanship enables our technical professionals, project managers and specialist experts to develop innovative system solutions, optimized for our customers' needs. All for making the energy-balance of the earth a little bit better every day.

Mission Future.

"We value innovation" is one of our core corporate values. And it stands above every new project, every product development, every work process of our technical task areas. Nowhere else are you as close to the future as you are here. This is where we're testing ideas, building prototypes, discard them and delvop them anew. We measure, modify, calculate, discuss and plan. That's why we're looking for idea-implementers, around-the-corner-thinkers, energy-savers, critically-reviewers and product-inventors for our technical departments who are happy to see new ideas become reality. Would you like to join our team?

Job postings for Engineering positions (German only).

Job postings for all other professions (German only).

Our technical departments.

Research & Development

Technical Design | Simulation, Calculation, Layout| Electrical Engineering & Software Development | Patents & Technical Regulations


Metrology | Testing & Prototyping


Returns Management | Advanced Quality Planning | Quality Assurance | Auditing

The future is already waiting for you!

It has never been more important to develop new concepts, try out creative solutions and also critically question inspiring ideas. We are in the midst of climate change and want to actively shape the energy transition. Together with you! Apply now for one of our open positions or unsolicitedly.

Our goal? The future.

Careers at GDD.

GDD offers many opportunities to help shape the future in a sustainable way - the future of the earth, the company and your own personal future. No matter if you want to implement innovative ideas as a manager with your team or if you want to specialize in an exciting subject - at GDD we stand by your side as a partner for your personal development. For us, this also includes your professional education. Or an individual combination of flexible working hours and mobile working to allow room for future plans. We promote people. Individually.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, our salaried employees may work from their home office on 100 days per year. We provide the necessary IT equipment for this purpose.

There are no fixed working hours or attendance requirements for our technical employees. Our employees can work from 06:00 am to 06:30 pm.

We offer a variety of opportunities to further your professional qualifications. No matter whether you would like to pursue a specialist or management career in the future - we will be happy to support you individually and tailored to your personal situation.


Balancing family and career is very important to us. Therefore, in addition to the classic parental leave, we also offer our employees the possibility of a reduction in working hours or an increase in vacation days for care of children or family members.

To help you clear your head after a busy day at the office and/or make up for missed exercise, we offer a variety of opportunities for relaxation and exercise as part of our OHM program, e.g. Qigong (online), fitness club cooperations or our moving break on company grounds.


Our new employees start at GDD at the beginning of the month with an onboarding day. That's where they get to know other "newcomers" and can get their first taste of GDD air together. Afterwards you will get to know your department and your new colleagues. With the help of an orientation plan we structure your first weeks.

A feedback meeting with the responsible HR Business Partner rounds off our onboarding process.

Personal contact.

Wanted: You!

Melanie Bloch-Schönthier and Lisa Hirschmann are looking for people who can develop concrete ideas for a sustainable future out of joy and passion and implement them with care. They will be happy to answer all questions about careers at GDD by mail ( or on the phone (Melanie Bloch-Schönthier +49 9221 709-8334 | Lisa Hirschmann +49 9221 709-8482).